Om Shri Sai Nathay Namaha
Well, destiny or karma?- the biggest debate in the world. Everyone has his/her views on it. But what I am writing now is a channelled message from my spirit guides.

(It's written in second and third person because I wanted to write their exact words as they talk to me)
So, was Soumya destined to be a reader or is it her karma that allowed her to become one. Well, karma surely has an important role to play in this, because being an Akashic Record Reader requires one to become a channel for receiving messages. To think that this practice is of just one lifetime would be an understatement. This is NOT to say that you should think too much before learning this technique to connect with the higher vibrational worlds. This is just to say that when one gets drawn towards this practice, they would have been doing it since many lifetimes in different forms. May be the same name (Akashic Records) wasn't used but let's agree and accept that this is an ancient practice. We know of higher beings who have walked on earth way before us and with their hard work, they have written about the future events quite accurately. So, neither are you the first ones doing it nor is this the first time for you.
But the question still remains- destiny or karma? Well, we would say for sure karma because as far as destiny goes- one , it's made of your past karmas , so karma is involved. Second, when it acts out, you don't really have a say. But in this case, you choose! you have choices(free will) in this lifetime as well, whether you want to take it up or not. Believe us when we say this, it takes huge efforts on our parts to awaken that seed in you to get you going in this direction (occult). Yes! whether you know it or not, whether you understand it or not, we are at work to guide you towards making better choices at all times! And a lot of people choose to not pursue being a reader/channel. Sometimes because of the time it takes to practice and perfect it. Sometimes because what will they tell their family members. Most of the times, for their own fear of dwelling into the unknown, etc, etc. So you have a CHOICE! And choosing or not choosing is very much in your hands. We can push you towards the BETTER, but ultimately you will also have to be willing to move forward a little, Just a little! We make sure of the rest. None of the person in this world is moving alone. Everybody is guided. But becoming a channel and receiving messages from us is a game changer. It take a bit of courage on your part to say "YES" to learning it. Then we make sure that you learn it.
There are people who learn it and leave it along the way. Then there are some who never (in this lifetime) even listen to our guidance (which we send in the form of intuition). If it was only or majorly destiny working out, they would have listened. They would have to! Because that's what destiny is. It doesn't leave you with a choice. But Karma ( in the form of thoughts, intentions, speech, actions) gives you options and plays a major role in one's becoming a reader/channel.
Everybody has the potential of becoming a channel, and everybody requires efforts to nurture this seed into a full grown plant. No matter how much work has been done before. Afterall, it's a journey , not a destination. You pick up from where you left off (in the past life).
When a thing is dependent on so many factors, it can only be called karma, not destiny. Because when things are destined to be (there is no denying that certain things in everyone's life is destined, the proportion may change), it will happen , even if it has to happen against all odds. So, when we wait for you to make the choice, it's karma dependent. Destiny (in the form of previous lives' karma) plays a minor role, karma (in the form of will power/intention) plays a major one.
This is our perspective.
We wish everyone a very happy and blissful life, no matter what you are choosing.
PS: It may seem like you are navigating through life alone, but BTS, we are at work.
Lots of love! Stay healthy :)